Put Yourself First in 2025

This time of year my inbox is flooded with predictions for the coming year, advice on goal setting and how to jump-start your business, and of course those great reflections on the past year.

I am a huge proponent in goal setting, but I also know that by the 3rd week of January over 80% of New Year’s Resolutions and Goals will be abandoned. Why, because we take on too much when we are looking at that blank calendar. We determine we will write in our gratitude journal daily, write a blog every week, post on social media daily, book 50% more business for the year – and of course lose weight!

Well no wonder those lofty thoughts are abandoned – it is too much to take on at one time. An easier way to set new goals is to focus on one thing per month. And I believe the first thing you should focus on for 2025, is your health and wellness. After all, if you are not healthy and feeling your best I don’t believe you can achieve your business and personal goals.

Health is a dynamic process because it is always changing. We all have times of good health, times of sickness, and maybe even times of serious illness. As our lifestyles change, so does our level of health.

Kick off the New Year with a physical, meet one-on-one with some local wellness professionals who can share their expertise on nutrition, physical fitness, stress management and mental balance.

Learn to maintain good overall health for yourself. This can be achieved by understanding proper nutrition for strength and endurance; balancing your diet to feel good physically, mentally and emotionally to endure those long hours at work. Learn what snacks to take with you for those 16 hour wedding days, and how much water you should consume while working.

Meet with a fitness trainer to understand the importance of being physically fit and learn how to incorporate exercise into a busy schedule.

If you can empower yourself for success, by being physically and mentally fit for the coming year, you will automatically have better business success too.

I challenge you to get a FitBit or other activity tracker, and get out there every day and walk. It costs you nothing but time to walk and you can wear regular clothes and listen to music or Podcasts while walking.

Make one simple change in your diet, I have eliminated most carbohydrates these past few months and have been rewarded with a weight loss.

Make one simple daily change to change your emotional well-being. Write in your Journal, send a hand written note to a friend or colleague, give yourself permission to relax and read a book, attend a concert or grab a beer or glass of wine with friends.

If you start in January, and continue throughout the year, it will make it easier for you physically and mentally to take on the challenge of the goals you set for yourself for the upcoming months.

Wishing you all good health!